Rebecca is 32 years old and has Cerebral Palsy. Known to everyone as Bex, she joined Dame Hannahs twenty years ago when she started at our school aged 12.
Before she started at Dame Hannahs Bex attended Claremont School in Bristol. Her parents found out about Dame Hannahs when her case went to tribunal and they started researching suitable schools for her.
Bex lives in Marchesi bungalow and over the years she has formed some special relationships with her support workers. Anne Heckford was her favourite for many years until she left. More recently she has formed a very special bond with Linzi Pearse, who is now deputy manager, and also support workers Nina, Lyn and Jaz in Marchesi. She has also made a lot of good friends during her time at Dame Hannahs and has known some of them since she started in our school.
Bex is very confident, helpful, loyal and friendly. Since starting at Dame Hannahs she has grown hugely in confidence and has become very well known for being on hand and helpful when required (or even if not required!) She really enjoys joining in activities and is particularly good at tennis and Makaton signing and is often seen at the front of the group get togethers helping the speech and language therapists to demonstrate.
Bex’s sister Vicky said “Dame Hannahs has changed our lives significantly just due to seeing how happy Bex is and how very well cared for she is too. Seeing how the bungalows have come along in the past few years is amazing and we have also seen a huge improvement in the activities that are put on for the young adults. They keep Bex occupied, happy and in a very good social circle. Seeing her as happy as she is, is enough for all of us”.