Universities and Colleges
Getting together with University or College friends to Fundraise for Dame Hannahs is great way to meet new people, have fun and to do something great whilst you are studying.
There are lots of ways that you can get involved to help support people with disabilities. Read some of our suggestions below and download our fundraising pack to find out more
Take on a Challenge
Are you feeling a bit daring or want to tick something off your bucket list? Why not fundraise for Dame Hannahs by taking on a challenge? We’ve teamed up with some of the UK’s leading organisers of challenge events to bring you the perfect package for your fundraising challenge. From trekking up Mount Kilimanjaro, to Jumping out of a plane, anything is possible!
Click here to see some challenge ideas.
Enhance your CV
Wanting to gain news skills and experience with event management / advertising / PR or experience in the Charity Sector? Why not fundraise for Dame Hannahs by organising a fundraising event? We won’t leave you in the lurch; our dedicated local fundraising team have the skills and experience to coach you through the event and help you gain valuable skills whilst raising money for a great cause!
Choose Dame Hannahs as your Charity of the year
We will work closely with you to ensure that you are supported throughout the year. Anything from organising tailor-made challenge events for your students, supporting you to run events, to providing you with fundraising tips and support.
Our dedicated Community Engagement Officer would love to come and talk to you about Dame Hannahs and the vital work that we do in the community to support people with disabilities that you are helping to fund.