Our Charity Shops
Help support Dame Hannahs by donating your preloved items or by visiting one of our charity shops in Devon & Cornwall
Since the Coronavirus pandemic hit and forced the closure of our shops Dame Hannahs has lost a considerable amount of money from this vital fundraising activity. However we are now in a position where all of our Charity Shops have reopened all be it on some reduced hours.
Did you know that there are 11,200 shops in the UK, which amounts to an astounding £29 million a week being raised for amazing causes with Dame Hannahs being one of them? Due to the current Coronavirus pandemic Dame Hannahs along with all other charities have had to cancel the majority of our fundraising activities for the balance of this year and into 2021 with no end in sight but you can still help us now by shopping in our amazing stores.
Below you will find a list of of our stores, along with their current opening times. These times may continue to change as more people return to volunteer which will enable us to extend our opening hours or we may need to reduce these times should further restrictions or shielding categories be re-introduced. These are worrying times for us all but we are striving to deliver the best possible service to our communities within the constraints we find ourselves in. If you would like to consider volunteering in one of our shops please either contact a shop direct or complete the application form which is available to download at the bottom of this page.
Thank you for your support which really does make a difference!
Shop Locations
You can find a full list of all of our Charity Shops and their contact information here
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Volunteer With Us
To become a volunteer in one of our charity shops or within our warehouse & distribution team
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Top Tips for Sorting
You can find some really useful tips on how you can sort and prepare what you would like to donate here
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