Form of Notice Charity Commission

Monday 29 March 2021


The Commission proposes to make a Scheme (a legal document) for this charity.

The Scheme will change the charity’s purpose. The charity’s purpose is currently to provide a school for the education of children with disabilities with a preference for those whose parents are situated in the Counties of Devon and Cornwall. However, the charity’s school and other children’s services have closed. The charity’s new purpose will allow the charity to relieve the needs of those with disabilities directly while retaining preference for those in the Counties of Devon and Cornwall (the beneficiaries) and by advancing the education of those supporting the beneficiaries.

A copy of the Scheme can be seen here (If you cannot access this please call our Contact Centre on 0300 066 9197)

Comments or representations on these proposals can be made to the Commission up to the 9th May 2021 by completing the form on our website. Please quote NJ/C-535445/306948