Transit Way Announcement

Thursday 16 March 2023

We would like to let everyone know that regrettably we are having to close our Transit Way shop with our last day of trading being Saturday 25th March.

Despite every effort to remain on site and our continued commitment as a long term tenant our landlords, Tesco Plc, felt it was a better fit for the complex to let our premises to a gym group. This deal was struck prior to us receiving notice with no intention of allowing us to continue as tenants.

This has been a huge disappointment to Dame Hannahs, our staff, volunteer base and the local community we serve. Since receiving our notice we have been looking for new premises but as yet we have only managed to find a suitable warehouse but we hope to find further shop premises in the near future within the local vicinity.

In the meantime please continue to donate and support Dame Hannahs through our other retail outlets in Plymouth. The full list can be found on our Charity Shops page.

THANK YOU to everyone who has supported our Transit Way shop over the years and we look forward to welcoming them along with all our loyal customers in our other shops.

Please follow our Dame Hannahs Charity Shops Facebook page to keep up to date with our shops news.