Hannah P
Hannah started at Dame Hannahs in December 2024 aged 27 and lives in Newberry bungalow. She has a microdeletion on the long arm of chromosome 6 which causes global delay and short stature along with some physical disabilities.
Before starting at Dame Hannahs she lived at home and attended Hollacombe Community Resource Centre in Torbay. Hannah’s parents had been aware of Dame Hannahs for many years having lived in Plymouth but it was the staff at Hollacombe who recommended Dame Hannahs to them more recently.
Dad Chris said “Hannah is fun loving, cuddly, cheeky and stubborn and she knows a lot more than she lets on. Her favourite activities are swimming, going out anywhere where she can people watch, having stories read to her, colouring and sorting. She loves any sort of outdoor activity such as sailing and horse riding and, as a general rule, the faster the better for Hannah!
It is early days but Hannah seems to have settled in really well. She has already formed an attachment to most of the staff in Newberry bungalow and has already made an impression! She knew Millie before she arrived as they were at Hollacombe together so it was lovely for her to see a familiar face when she started.
Hannah being at Dame Hannahs has already changed our lives. We have been full time carers for 27 years but had reached the stage where we just could not continue to provide the level of care and stimulation Hannah needs. Knowing that she is safe and happy has made an incredible difference. It means that the time we do spend with Hannah now is quality time allowing us all to enjoy family time and fun again.”